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April Fools’ Switcharoo 2021

April Fools’ Switcharoo 2021 published on 1 Comment on April Fools’ Switcharoo 2021

Edit: link now points to where my half of the exchange will be posted later today.

And today, a guest strip by Ross Griswold of The Immortal Staff-Master.

After not being able to think of a good joke last year, this is my first time doing the April Fools’ Switcharoo for Webcomic Underdogs.

I’m never really sure whether to announce it’s a gag in the post or not. Traditionally in the real world you say “April Fools’!” right away, but online people tend not to. On the other hand, that can be annoying when you’re going through archives and not seeing it on April 1st…


kay(f)Ayurisan(t)ap(t)vlir(t)sung(b)es(p)u(t)vom(b)e(f)yam(t)ack(t)vlim(p)kay(f)ga(f) published on 2 Comments on kay(f)Ayurisan(t)ap(t)vlir(t)sung(b)es(p)u(t)vom(b)e(f)yam(t)ack(t)vlim(p)kay(f)ga(f)

To reach a wider audience, I have decided to translate Ayuri into other languages. From now on, the Kay(f)bop(t) version will post on Sundays.

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