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Saye (pronounced like “sigh”) is Tanja’s live-in girlfriend.

Wet Venus

Wet Venus published on 1 Comment on Wet Venus

I’m bringing back Wanda’s spacesuit, meaning it’s time to update one of my early designs again.

I figured the straps on her oxygen tank could use buckles, and the third strap under her breasts just looked kind of silly. On the other hand, I made it more form-fitting and thinner, so…

Saye’s suit has the same integrated oxygen tank as Tanja’s and Søren’s. She got hers on Mars, where more—and better looking—suits are available. Wanda, on the other hand, got a cheap one on Earth.

New mission!

New mission! published on 1 Comment on New mission!

Every once in a while I decide I’ll put different elements on different layers. And then I regret it because of how much longer it takes.

This is the end of chapter 6. I’m honestly behind on my scripting, but I’ll try to have the next chapter at least ready enough for a cover by next week. I might be writing by the seat of my pants, though. (I usually go through three drafts of the entire chapter before the previous one ends.)

Hiring Tanja

Hiring Tanja published on 1 Comment on Hiring Tanja

The first strip I did on my Cintiq. A bit of an adjustment, but I definitely like drawing directly on a screen a lot better.

Also, this started as another random scene I came up with well before I started Ayuri, but it ended up losing most of its original elements (many at the last second.)

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