Wanda Otis is Fenna’s wife, and the captain of the Ayuri. She means well, but lacks practical experience in running a ship.
Webcomics featuring Wanda
Opportunities on Voena
Tidally Locked
For the less scientifically-inclined, that means they don’t have any days or seasons. Their sun just stays in one spot in the sky.
I thought you spoke Jannoe
Don’t worry, Kay’s waterproof.
Also, I legit don’t remember what that statement means. I have an explanation in the script notes, and I think someone translates it in a few strips.
That Good
C’mon, you didn’t think you would get out of this chapter without a gratuitous shower scene, did you?
Not Going to Stop
Reclaimed Carbon
What We Can Offer
Precious Metals
While writing, I looked up a lot of reference to figure out how big I should make that coin. So of course once I drew it I forgot all that and gave him a giant fantasy-sized come. What, don’t you walk around with $30,000 in your pocket?