The Ayuri goes to TRAPPIST-1g to scrap a jumpgate, only to find out the planet is inhabited, and get jumped by the natives. Wanda decides to learn to fight.
Webcomics that are part of Issue 2: First Contact
Let’s never do that again
I just noticed that I’ve been drawing Wanda’s eyes the wrong color since April. Oops.
No Hard Feelings
I’m not going to lie, even I don’t know what that thing is.
Science Journalism
Not a lot of sexual dimorphism there. Maybe I should have removed the women’s beards, or given the men horns. Then again, it was a lot easier to draw those crowd shots without worrying about everyone’s sex.
Remember when I was talking about how long it took to do those twenty-some people? Those were innocent times.
Ain’t my Cup of Meat
I built the language around that word, and the fact that Wanda couldn’t tell when Kazin started speaking Spanish.
Mighty Hunter
Noma: home of cow centaurs, sabertooth horse-dog-alvarezsaurids, and bald camel-bats.
Communication at Last
I really need to settle on how I’m going to represent voices coming from a phone.