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The year is 2227, and interstellar travel has just become affordable for small startups. Join Wanda Otis and her semi-professional crew of merchants as they travel a galaxy of uncontacted planets, humanoid pets, wildmen, and casual nudity.


Finances published on No Comments on Finances

Sometimes when you’re scripting out a scene, you just don’t realize what it entails. I was thinking while writing this out that there wasn’t as much nudity as I originally thought.

Now that I’m drawing it, it looks like there will be full frontal nudity in every strip through mid-March.


Flashback published on No Comments on Flashback

This was supposed to be the first instance of full frontal (well, lateral) nudity in the comic. But then there wasn’t enough room at the top of the image for a text box. So now it looks like Ayuri is censored. Oh well, I’ll plan these out better in the future.

Well, last Ayuri strip of the the year. Any thoughts on the series so far?

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